Pre-K through 5th Grade – Nancy Flint and Helen Demaster
6th through 12th Grade – Zion mentors for youth and Pastor Chang
Zion’s Gate (John Shabb & Don Miller)
Zion’s Gate uses the Wired Word curriculum to consider current events through the eyes of the Christian faith. A major news story is examined and then discussed with reference to the Bible and our own faith experiences as Christians who have to contend with secular society. The class gathers in the Narthex. Bring your own experiences and reflections to share.
Explorers in Spirit (Connie Sherwood & Wayne Seames)
This spring the Bible Explorers Sunday morning adult class is studying the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. Do you know which book is the shortest in the Old Testament? How about the only Old Testament book not referenced in the New Testament? How many books were written by the Minor Prophets and what time periods were they written during? What messages has God revealed in this books that is relevant and meaningful for modern Christian life? We will explore the answers to these and many more questions each week, in the Sisters in Spirit Room across from the Quilters room in the Southwest wing of Zion.